Some links to help expand upon Margaret Mead
Here are some links to further expand upon Margaret and her studies
Here is a link dealing with where she had spent most of her studies.
Manu'a Islands
Siapo is one of the oldest Samoan cultural art forms.
The Margaret Mead Award is presented to a younger scholar for a particular accomplishment such as a book, film, monograph, or service
The Margaret Mead Award
Institute for Intercultural Studies was founded by Margaret. Her daughter is the president.
The Institute for Intercultural Studies
Here is a few websites dealing with a little more of the controversy between Mead and Freeman
Margaret Mead, Derek Freeman ...and the Samoans
Derek Freeman: Reflections of a Heretic
Margaret was at one time the Curator of The American Museum of Natural History
The American Museum of Natural History
Margaret was an avid environmentalist
The Nature Conservancy
Margaret's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, is following in her mother's footsteps and has a regular column in Pink magazine entitled Peripheral Vision.
Mary Catherine Bateson
PINK Magazine: A Beautiful Career, A Beautiful Life
Designed by: Heather Rodriguez, Mary Barzelay & David Spencer